Call for Chapter Authorship! Reserve yours now! Title of the 1st Book: “In the Exigency of the Service: A Response to a Higher Calling”

Call for Chapter Authorship! Reserve yours now!
Title of the 1st Book: “In the Exigency of the Service: A Response to a Higher Calling”
This book features people, professionals, either from private or public institutions, who share their personal stories and experiences, or the stories and experiences of their colleagues or friends, in doing the extra mile, in responding, and accepting/doing certain roles in the exigency of the service, in order to serve their clients or people without delay. It features stories and experiences of accepting certain roles or tasks, even in difficult situations, even going outside of one’s comfort zones, for the sake of doing the greater good of serving others and bringing good for the larger community. In this book, the title of each featured story or chapter shall be “In the Exigency of the Service: Dr. Marites D. Fortunato’s Response to a Higher Calling” (the name of the person is fictional, and it will change to the name of the real author who is the subject person. ETCOR also allows other people (colleagues or friends of the subject person who have knowledge of his/her story and experiences) to be the author of this section, but the title shall still bear the name of the subject person.
Chapter writing starts on June 30, 2023.
Submission is on or before July 31, 2023.
ISBN Application: August 31, 2023
Book Launch is on October 8, 2023, together with the launching of ETCOR’s newly published magazine and research journal issues. The venue will be announced soon. Authors who will not be available for a face-to-face book/magazine/journal issues’ launch will be accommodated via virtual platform.
Contact ETCOR via mobile number 0939-202-9035 and/or e-mail address / You may also send us a private message via this Page and/or contact us via our website.